Sunday, 31 May 2009

May Review

Its been a much better month than april and I've made $1100 in around 15k hands of cash and quite a few MTT&STT running well in both, and this is despite spending almost $400 on coaching.

Coaching with Kush has really helped me work out where I'm weak and what I need to work on. I've not managed as many focused A-game sessions as I'd like so I 'm going to try to improve upon this next month as well as study. A target of 20k-30k hands seems reasonable if I play less tournies. I'm going to try some sweat sessions with other players around the same level too with a focus on hand reading and post-flop play.

Live poker hasn't been so great recently.. its been quite a few trips since I last cashed. The variance of live play takes so long to work itself out so I'm not too bothered and hope to get lucky again soon!

Its now been a year since I started the blog and took poker more seriously, and in that time my game has improved and i've quadrupled my bankroll so I'm really happy. (If I can multiply my bankroll by 4 every year I'll be a millionaire in 2013!)

With WSOP approaching and people heading to Vegas I'm wishing I was there. Maybe next year?!